Wolf Depredation Compensation

On June 24, 2011 the Oregon Legislature passed House Bill 3560, which directed the Oregon Department of Agriculture (OGA) to establish and implement a wolf depredation compensation and financial assistance grant program, using moneys in the Wolf management Compensation and Proactive Trust Fund to provide grants to assist counties to implement county wolf depredation compensation programs.

The OGA’s wolf depredation compensation and financial assistance grant program complements the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Wolf Conservation and Management Plan in the area of developing and maintaining a cooperative livestock producer assistance program that proactively minimizes wolf-livestock conflict and assists livestock producers experiencing wolf-related livestock losses.

Eligible applicants include livestock producers who have suffered losses within Union County attributed to wolf depredation; and livestock producers who desire to implement livestock management techniques or nonlethal wolf deterrence techniques designed to discourage wolf depredation of livestock in Union County.

Eligible expenses include compensation for the cost of livestock management techniques or nonlethal wolf deterrence techniques designed to limit wolf-livestock interactions and discourage wolf depredation of livestock.

Grant funding is currently available to Union County livestock producers for nonlethal wolf deterrence techniques designed to minimize wolf-livestock conflicts. Compensation is available by application until January 31, 2019 or funds are depleted, whichever first occurs.  If adequate grant funds are not available to fully fund each approved application, reimbursements will be determined at the discretion of the Union County Wolf Depredation Compensation committee.  Additional information and applications to apply are available online or by calling (541) 963-1001.

Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Non-lethal measures to minimize wolf-livestock conflict.
